my parents keep asking mi to study ..-.- cause they say 'later ITE also don't want you ar .' -.- pls la ,ITE dun wan mi ,their loss xD .
woke up by mummy at bout 8+ , cause daddy wan bring us go cafe cartel eat breakfast -.- . sacrificed my beauty sleep -.- . went cartel ,ate ,went back home , washed skul shoes ,studied SS ,mummy cooked green bean soup xD . ate a bowl ,watched t.v ,bathed . watched a show showing bout britney spears , went tuition n home-d .
now chatting with Amanda . LOL .she super childish laaa xDDDDD .
Byes !
I'm sure things will work out =]
Joanne Tan ;20
TP - CCM ;3J03
& I love my boy ♥
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